A refreshed Shop/Loom-Room
We had some serious flooding in our shop/loom-room late last year. Finally it has all been repaired. New Walls, some new shelves, a fantastic paint shop and some new carpet. It is all light and lovely now.
We also added some new display units, so much easier and so much more room. We will organise an open day soon. Watch this space and follow our facebook pages:

All our hand dyed 2 ply yarns are now on the website.
Something bright, something soft, something for everyone.

Our new 2ply hand dyed yarns
We have a new shipment of yarn, woohoo.
We introduce a range of new bright colours in 2 and 4 ply.
And of course the natural white, greys and fawns and a beautiful lustrous pure black tat is so popular.
We can now start dyeing again and supply all our fantastic customers with new yarns. I will be busy. We have natural white in 2 ply, 4ply and 8ply waiting to hop in the dye pot. Such fun.
Contact us for part cones or for wholesale prices

New alpaca yarn on Cones
We have a new shipment of yarn, woohoo.
We can now start dyeing and supply all our fantastic customers with new yarns. I will be busy. We have natural white in 2 ply, 4ply and 8ply waiting to hop in the dye pot. Such fun.

All our 8ply yarns are on sale during the month of June
Click here to view and order
There is a rumour that Santa's reindeer can get into MIQ. The alpacas, helpful as ever, are practicing pulling the sleigh, just in case they are needed.
The cria (baby alpacas) are watching because you never know next year they may have to help as well.
Make sure you have an alpaca in your house, so they can make sure presents can be delivered.
The large alpacas are 35cm high, these small ones 20cm.
All alpacas are available from our webstore.
No feeding required, no mess to clean up, cheap to keep. Adored by both adults and children.
So soft, so cuddly
Available in 4 natural looking colours, black,brown,fawn and now also White.
Free tracked postage In New Zealand, for rural delivery please add $5 (see under freight).
You are welcome to visit our farmshop, just contact us for a time to suit you. 021 02436087 or alpacayarnings@gmail.com
Pay with paypal or contact us for account details
23/3/2021 The last three girls have been sold, and the last ever cria born.
The last three girls have been sold. They are still here. Hinau has just given birth to a gorgeous boy. The new owners have called him Hugo. That was the last cria born for us.
Then we only have one studmale WTH Enterprise and two potential studmales left.
The end of an era.
13/3/2021 Introducing the EASTER Paccas

Introducing the Easter Paccas.
Due to Covid there seems to be a real shortage of Easter Bunnies.
So the alpacas have come to the rescue, and are helping to distribute Easter Eggs.
Our small alpacas (20cm high) can carry one marshmallow egg on their back, the larger one (30 cm high) are more of a pack animal and can carry two!
All available freight free in our store.
March 12/3/21 Two boys moving to Timaru
OTB Ngaio and OTB Black Pine have moved to Timaru and will start their Studlife in the next few weeks.
They are fantastic boys. Both have quite different but fantastic genetics.
Add their stunning fleeces, good conformation and lovely nature and you have the perfect studboys.

March 11/3/2021 Another 3 Girls are moving away

Today we drove to Ashburton to meet Andrew and Donna Cudby. They now have three of our girls. OTB Mikimiki, OTB Patotara and OTB Wharangi are making the long trip to Nelson. But they will enjoy the warmer climate. Thank you Andrew and Donna for giving these girls a lovely home.
March 6 2021 The first girls move away
OTB Cassinia and OTB Hinakura went to live with Janine Cochrane in Dunedin.
They hopped out of the van and started eating the green grass.
They thought they were in heaven.
Thank you Janine for given these oldies a new home.

March 1 2021 Time for retirement
We have sold the farm and have moved to a gorgeous house in Gore. We will still have a shop, although it may be a while until we are properly organised. We will now trade under the name Alpaca Yarnings. The new website will be ​called www.alpacayarnings.co.nz and our new email is alpacayarnings@gmail.com.
Make sure you visit the website to make sure you don't miss out on our stunning alpaca yarns
27/2/2021 Certification for Black Pine and Ngaio
This morning our lovely vet Ryan from Waimate Vets came to certify two of our handsome boys. We are happy to say they passed with flying colours. We are now waiting for their excited new owners to pick them up. How lucky are they to stay together after growing up together.

OTB Ngaio and OTB Black Pine
OTB Makaka and her brand new tiny cria were lucky enough to find a new home with Mandy and Alan McCullough. We know they will get exceptional care and will be spoiled rotten. The cria has been named Khaya.

20​/2/2021 Akeake has a new home

This morning we delivered OTB Akeake to his new home. He will live in beautiful Oamaru with his friend Smudge and a number of females in the paddock next to them.
His name is now Cookie.

30/1/2020 Delivery trip for OTB Pinatoro and OTB Esther

30/1/2020 Trip to Southland
Free delivery for all females sold to Otago and Southland before this date.
Free pickup for females to be mated at Otaio Bridge in Otago and Southland on the way back
18/1/2020 Pinatoro has been sold

Congratulations to Mary and John Grant with their stunning rose-grey female.
Yes, OTB Pinatoro is moving to Soutland
We have our fleece test results back. And boy are we happy.
Cottonwood came in at 14.6 with a sd of 3.
Both Patotara and Ngaio were in the low 16 micron.
Pinatoro her third fleece came in at 17.9, sd 3.1
Makaka and Poroporeo are still in the 19 range as is Hinau on her 4th fleece
And Our lovely studmale Enterprise 10th fleece 23.7 micron.
9/9/2019 OTB Kowhai and OTB Cottonwood sold

We are happy to announce that OTB Kowhai and her stunning cria have been sold. Congratulations to the astute new owner and we wish them much success with this fantastic package.
They will be moving to their new home in the next few weeks.
Sorry it is weaning time at Otaio Bridge and the three in one packages have now expired. Individual dams and crias will be listed over the next few days, together with some more. Plenty for you to choose from. Watch this space
Our crias this year.

Gretel gave us a lovely Enterprise daughter, she was tiny but that didn't stop her!

And the last was our lovely lustrous Rohutu, a little girl for Ourisia and our Hom Caesar

Wharangi is the sweetest loveliest little girl with a tremendous will to live. Unfortunately she had a few problems when she was born, but Thanks to the awesome vets at Waimate vet she is absolutely fine now. And all the vets have fallen in love with her.Just in case her problems are genetic we will not use her in our breeding program, but she will make an awesome companion animal.

Cottonwood with her dense curly leece promises a lot. lat's hope it happens. Dam OTB Kowhai and Sire Hom Casar

And then there was OTB Ngaio. With a very fine dense crimpy fleece. A son for sire Enterprise and dam is OTB Lacebark

First was OTB Patotara, a beautiful girl for Ariadne and Enterprise. Three weeks early, but strong and healthy.

Secod was OTB Black Pine, a handsome Black boy for OTB Esther and OTB Kauri, with a gorgeous fleece already. I hope it develops as we think it may.
More Very pleasing fleece results for Otaio Bridge. 9/11/2018

Contact us
Jacob & Ineke van Neuren
Address: 604 Waimate Highway, RD1 Timaru.
email: otaio.bridge@gmail.com
Phone: 03 6126440 or
0210 2436087
or send us a message.
After sending 6 fleeces to the national show, we sent them to the Waikato A&P and to the CR Colourbration. Three show, lots of ribbons
Here are the results:
More animals leaving us
1/11/2018BOP Toffeepop and OTB Kahakaha are leaving us and giving Allen and Mandy McCullough a real good start in their alpaca breeding.
Toffeepop is pregnant to OTB Kauri
OTB Hinakura has gone with them as an auntie until the other paddock mates arrive later in the year.

OTB Kahakaha
We say Goodbye to OTB Kauri and his cousin OTB Kohuhu.
They will now live at Revelation nz Alpaca Stud, owned by Jakki and Colin Guilford in Waimate.
Congratulations on acquiring these animals and Thank you for your trust in our breeding program.

Otaio Bridge Kauri

Otaio Bridge Kohuhu.
Comings and goings
We say Goodbye to OTB Manuka and her cria Matipo. Congratulations to Rachel Andrews, NZ Grandview Alpacas. I know you will look after these very special girls.
We also say Goodbye to Horopito who moves just across the road, and the Alpac'n'save who moves to Manuka Cottage Alpacas
Our new Studs
We welcome Pejo Kenta and Homestead Farm Caesar ET to our farm and say goodbye to Hemiccoyo Schiaparelli.
Our half share of Schiaparelli has been sold to Manuka Cottage Alpacas. Congratulations. We know he will produce lovely fine crias for you.

We are very happy to welcome PEJO KENTA to our farm. He will give us the sought after darker fleeces while maintaining fineness. Thank you Kate Mander for selling him to us. We will find plenty of work for him.
For more information about Kenta click here

Welcome Homestead Farm CAESAR ET. We have used Caesar in the past and were very happy with the fine uniform fleeces he produced in his cria. So when the chance came to purchase him we did not hesitate. Thank you Judy White, Alkmaar Alpacas for selling him to us. Click here for more information.
The Last of our crias 2017

Otaio Bridge KOHUHU.
A gorgeous black girl from OTB Esther by Pejo Copenhagen.
So very very fine, so very very silky.

Otaio Bridge MAKAKA
A sweet light fawn girl for our lovely OTB Lacebark by Waratah Flats Enterprise.
Great genetics, great expectations.

Otaio Bridge SNOWBERRY
Another girl!. This time for OTB Wineberry by Alkmaar Augustus.
Shiny white, dense and silky. We are happy.
Sunday 7th May 2017 Open Day 2017

What a great open day we had. So many people enjoying themselves.
We are very happy we have introduced so many people to alpacas.
And even better to help a few people on their alpaca adventure.
We had a naming competition for our last cria, a beautifull white female by Alkmaar Augustus and Otaio bridge Wine Berry.
The winning name is SNOW BERRY.
Our open day even made it to the Waimate News and Views.
2/5/17 Finally all the crias have arrived. Great range of genetics, great range of colours, all adorable.

OTB Pinatoro 4/2/2017
Rose-grey Female
OTB Celmisia x OTB Karaka

OTB Matipo 10/2/2017
Dark Brown (Roan?) Female
OTB Manuka x Pejo Copenhagen

OTB Wharawhara 19/2/2017 - Roan male
OTB Astelia x OTB Karaka

OTB Mikimiki 25/2/17
L BRown female
AQU Ariadnex WTH Enterp

OTB Lantern Berry
28/2/17 White female
OTB Ourisia x SWA Genesis

What a great few days.
Sunday 16th was fleece judging with Sarah Busby as judge.
OTB Kowhai was awarded a 2nd place in a very strong class medium fawn Junior Females, OTB Alpac'n'Save and OTB Kauri (jun Fleece) were awarded first places.
OTB Eyebright received a 2nd place in the Int Female White
OTB Karaka was awarded a first place in the Senior Males brown
And best of all OTB Kauri repeated his success from the National Alpaca show in 2016 by winning his class (Int Male Grey/roan), intermediate male Fleece Champion and Grey Fleece Champion.
Saturday 19th November

A first for us. We had a hen-party in the paddock. The whole party had to dress up as something starting with A. The 'bride to be' was dressed as an ALPACA, we had alpaca farmers, artists, angels army personnel. Our Eyebright decided to join the party as dressed up as AAAwfully muddy.

Monday 28/9/2015
Goodbye to Matipo, Nikau and Brown Boy. I am sure you will have a lovely life at your new farm. We will come and visit you. In the meantime Gabriel will look after you.

Sunday 27/9/2015
Friday 25/9/2015

Show season has started again.
We had the Colourbration Show at the start of the month.
Lacebark received a FIRST ribbon in the White Adult Class. Very happy with that.
Then last weekend the National Alpacas Show 2015.
Very happy with our fleece results from the national show.
3 fleeces entered, 3 first places.
OTB Manuka in the 36-60mths female Grey class.
OTB Karaka in the 36-60mths male Brown class
WTH Enterprise in the 60+ mths male Brown class.
It is particularly pleasing that fleeces of the older animals are still doing so well.
That is one of our breeding goals, alpacas producing better fleeces for longer!
Thursday 7/5/15

We had a visit from the Eastern Otago Spinners and weavers.
And what a great day they picked to come and visit. They talked to the alpacas, had a lovely lunch, loaded up with yarn, fibre and fleeces, and of they went to the next place.

Monday 4/5/2015
What a great day we had on Sunday the 3rd May. We had people walking with alpacas, looking at alpacas, buying alpaca yarns, buying alpacas, chatting alpaca. A fantastic day and we hope everyone enjoyed it as much as we did. A big Thank you to our helpers, we couldn't have done it without you.
Saturday 11/4/2015
Today we have to say Goodbye to OTB Mapou and her cria OTB Olearia, and to our bottle baby OTB Ryanna.
Congratulations to Rachel and Grant Marshall on their start of alpaca breeding.
We wish you lots of pleasure and success.
Friday 10/4/2015
We had a busy week. We attended the Mackenzie Highland Show (see our Show results page) and had 3 new crias born, all 3 sired by WTF Enterprise
A girl for OTB Corokia, OTB Eyebright A girl for OTB Ourisia, OTB Kowhai and a boy for OTB Wineberry.

Saturday 28/3/2015

Today OTB Karaka's first progeny arrived, a gorgeous modern Dark Grey Male.
out of our lovely grey OTB Celmisia .
We have named him OTB Kauri

Monday 9/2/15
The crias have started to arrive. First was a lovely Enterprise girl Ryanna. her mum wasn't well and needed a C-section. Ryanna was named after the vet doing the surgery.
Second was another Enterprise cria, this time a boy. We named him Wharariki, the maori name for Mountain Flax, and his paddock name will be Riki.

Ryanna, being born with a little help.

Wharariki enjoying the sunshine

Saturday 9/1/2015
t hasn't rained for several month and the paddocks are turning to dust. That's when we start chopping down the poplar trees. Alpacas love poplar trees. And the tree will regrow for the next drought.

Hard work but it is feeding alpacas and cutting firewood at the same time!

Spot the black alpaca

Alpacas love poplar leaves and eat the soft new tips.
Friday 28/11/2014

We are not allowed outside today. We have to keep our fleeces dry for the South Otago show in Balclutha.